Friday, December 23, 2011


Winter holidays never grow obsolete,
time upon time reappearing, obstinate,
a guest predictable yet obscure.
Tables laden with food quantity obscene;
lights and candles lit in observance,
glowing against night sky obsidian.

Decorated fingers in diamond and obsidian
welcome company in manners obsolete,
with obsequious observance
of mothers toting children obstinate,
mumbling protests obscene
as they enter a place unfamiliar, obscure.

Notions of Santa Claus, mysterious and obscure;
ethereal reindeer, noses ruby and obsidian.
To some these beliefs seem obscene,
yet their prospect admittedly not obsolete.
Even waverers grow less obstinate
during this season of giving and observance.

Traditions of observance
weathered smooth yet synchronously obscure,
vexing those who have grown obstinate
in their beliefs, rigid and obsidian;
their convictions antiquated, obsolete,
to some rendered obscene.

Time is the archive for that marked obscene.
Opinions once rigid yield to the season's observance,
welcoming hope and promise not obsolete,
no longer obscure,
melting rigid sheaths once hauntingly obsidian
dividing those on all sides, obstinate.

Night falls, draping all those rigid and obstinate,
muting mutterings obscene,
cloaking us with comfort, tranquil and obsidian
patient for morning's observance
and anticipation of gifts obscure.
Dreams wax and wane 'till night fades obsolete.

Hold this obsidian, obstinate heart -
once holding the mysteries of this season obsolete and obscene -
under the luminous observance so beautifully obscure.

Today's safety tip:  during your holiday observance(s), be moderate and know your limits.  Alcohol related fires escalate this time of year.  Historically, there are more fires on New Year's Eve than any other day of the year, because of bad choices made by people with alcohol-related altered mental status.  You know not to drink and drive.  Likewise, do not drink and drive cook!  Have a safe and relaxing holiday!

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