Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Readers,
First, THANK YOU for reading my blog :)  I'm not one that looks forward to "the holidays", but I will take this moment, in honor of Thanksgiving, to say that I am thankful for my son, my friends, my job, my house, and the freedom that we all enjoy in this country.
Please be safe this weekend!  On the average, kitchen fires account for 42% of home fires - BUT, on Thanksgiving Day, that number rises to 70%.  These are PREVENTABLE fires, by just being more careful.  Just a few reminders to keep you safe these next few days:

  • Keep your cooking space clean and clutter free.
  • If you're using the stovetop, BE IN THE KITCHEN.  If you need to leave, even for a minute, turn the stove off until you come back.
  • If you're using the oven, BE IN THE HOUSE, and BE AWAKE.  If you need to leave the house, or take a nap, turn the oven off until you get back (and set a really LOUD alarm clock).
  • Have working smoke detectors.  The photoelectric kind are best to have near the kitchen, and are less likely to cause nuisance alarms.
  • Keep kids and pets away from the stove - and better yet, out of the kitchen.
  • Have a fire extinguisher handy, and know how to use it.
Have a great weekend!  -Casidy

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